Saturday, November 3, 2007

Loved and Lost

I am a cat person. Actually I probably go beyond what most people consider a normal cat person. I am (or would be) the crazy cat lady. My dream, if time and money were no objects, is to have a cat farm. A ranch with a barn where I could give refuge to any cat without a home. I paint this picture so you know how near and dear my cats are to me. Unfortunately, cats have a much shorter life span than humans and inevitably that means saying goodbye to my four legged friends. Ming has been a part of our family for over eight years. She was, without a doubt, my favorite cat. I found her in our garden well in our very first house in Spanish Fork, UT. Jared about went berserk when I brought home another cat (it brought our household total to 5 at the time). But Ming was the kind of cat that everybody loved. So this entry is in loving memory of my best cat, Mingus. You were loved and will be missed.


Stacy said...

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I too am a cat person. Too bad Ollie and Ed are allergic. My cat, Mickey, lived to be 18 years old. My parents had him longer than they had me! I remember sleeping with him on my chest the night before he had to be put to sleep. Oh... it was awful! I was 18 at the time and he was a part of our family! I know what a loss it is... but I believe that you will see him again! :)

ablykins said...

Oh no! I'm so so sorry to hear about Ming. She was really a great cat, and I know how hard this must be for you! I hope her passing was peaceful. I know there is nothing to replace a beloved pet and little comfort to be found until time lessens the understandable grief and feelings of loss. She'll always be remembered and loved.