Thursday, April 3, 2008

A little bit of fun

As the days tick by and we continue to await the arrival of this baby girl I thought we should have some fun to help pass the time. Being a wee bit competitive myself I like a good, fun wager. hee hee hee! So it's time for the baby pool! Feel free to click here to enter your guess on the arrival of this little critter. To level the playing field my actual due date is April 16th. However when you make your guess bear in mind I went two weeks over with both the girls. The only prize in this game is the satisfaction of winning but it should still be fun. Who knows maybe there will be chocolate after all....


Blackburns said...

I think the winner should get something really cool like a trip to Hawaii! What do you think?

Emily P. said...

Ummm...if the winner is getting a trip to Hawaii then I'm going to fix this game...

Amy said...

I'm going to guess April 23rd. If she arrives that day, then you'll be getting a new baby girl, and I'll be receiving two 'girls' of my own.