Thursday, January 24, 2008

Oh for personal space

I don't know it it's just because I'm pregnant or what but I would give my left arm for some personal space! Like a little electric fence that has an 18" perimeter around my person. It starts in the morning with Natalie jumping into bed with me for her morning snuggle. Now I actually really enjoy this and I look forward to it, it's our morning ritual. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Then it's one or both of the kids sitting in my lap to have their hair fixed. Then it's an elbow in the ribs from bambino. Then it's being used as a human trampoline. By the time Aubrey gets home from school and is ready to do her reading homework I'm just like "sit on the other side of the room...just don't sit next to me!" Understand that sitting next to me also means sitting halfway on me. It's not that I don't like my kids and I'm happy to give them love and affection I just am tired of feeling like a piece of furniture.

1 comment:

ablykins said...

I'm so fussy about my personal space; I don't even know how I would cope!

Everything is so crowded here in Japan, but for some reason people still try to be as respectful about person space as possible, even when you are packed into a train car like cattle. lol