Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I love my mac!

So my last post lamented my handing over of the blessed computer. I was all ready to hit the library because between the writer's strike and loss of laptop there was pretty much nothing left to do except read. Which I love to do by the way but somehow have a hard time squeezing in. Anyway.... Today what to my wondering eyes should appear, but FedEx with a box from Apple. My computer is back! On Tuesday! That was like 2 days not 2 weeks. I love my mac and I'm so glad it's home! Woo hoo!!


Scott and Stacia said...

So glad you have it back already. Your computer being gone was one of the first things Aubrey talked to me about on Saturday....obviously she know it isn't easy for mom to be away for too long!! :)

ablykins said...

Wow-that was speedy! Glad you are "plugged in" again!