Friday, December 28, 2007

You know it's love when...

**Let me preface this by saying, this is not for the faint hearted--read at your own risk!** So for the past two weeks or so I've been feeling pretty crummy. Just the typical over-zealous cold. I've been trying pretty hard to tough it out but yesterday I broke down and went to the doctor. Sure enough I've got bronchitis. He gave me some penicillin and said lots of rest and fluids. Now when I'm pregnant I have a VERY weak gag reflex, like brushing my teeth is a challenge. So I'm in bed, half asleep because I can't breathe through my nose and every time I feel my mouth dry out it wakes me up, when I start coughing, a lot. Well I can't stop coughing and all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to throw up. So I quick grab a tissue (cause those really hold so much...) but it's too late and I puke, in bed, on Jared's pillow. Now it's not a lot, hardly even worth saying I puked really. But I still can't stop coughing. So in my delirious state I'm stumbling to the bathroom, but as soon as I'm upright I really start heaving, like all over the bathroom. Did not make it to the toilet. So now I'm crying because I just puked all over the bathroom, I can't hardly breathe and I have this huge mess to clean up. Well every time I try to clean it up I start gagging again. So now I have to go out to Jared (who by the way is painting the garage for me so we can convert it into a playroom for the girls) and tell him what happened. He says, don't worry about it, go lay back down, I'll get you some water and take care of it. So now I feel sick and guilty. Sure enough he comes in and cleans up the bathroom for me. Now I'll be honest I can't say I would have done the same thing, so thanks babe, I really appreciate it!


Stacy said...

"So this is love... " Yes... I can sympathize with you. I have a HORRID gag reflex and it's worse when I'm pregnant. I also cry when I puke and all that jazz... then my stuffy nose gets even stuffier now that I've been crying... Yah... I can relate! What a great guy! Ed is the same way... I don't know if I could have reciprocated...

I hope you feel better soon! You've had a cold forever... I remember your "stuffy nose voice" the last time we chatted on the phone!

The "A" Palmers said...

Man am I glad Agi is not a a puker! Naturally this allows me to bravely say I would do exactly the same thing. Kudos to Jared and Ed for giving the Palmer name that extra glistening sheen of chivalry that goes above and beyond! :-)

rockkinrobbins said...
