Sunday, March 2, 2008

Showered with love

First off let me say a HUGE thank you to Kim, Crystal and Leilani for the awesome baby shower last week. I had such a blast. And a big thank you to all my great friends who came to celebrate! It was great to have you all there.

I can safely say Addison is going to be one well dressed girl come April. She got some of the CUTEST outfits!

And I cannot end the post without a picture of the fabulous diaper cake. It's amazing!!
Thanks again everybody, you guys are great!


ablykins said...

What a fun shower! It looks like you guys had a great time and that diaper cake is pretty rockin'!

Stacy said...

Oh... I wish I was there. I swear I'm not a belly toucher, I usually rub a circle in the air about 6 inches away, plus... hey I'm an aunt so I get some rights... huh?! :) I didn't know that Addison was the name that you picked. Cute... I love that name. We have an Addison here in our ward and they call her Addi. Anywho... keep us posted!!!