Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tornado Sirens and Creepy Corn Fields

So this week I am in the midwest, Waterloo Iowa to be specific, doing a VeMMA presentation for my brother-in-law. My flight came in quite late and we still had a 2-hour drive from the airport home. So as we head out at a little after 11pm I notice that the moon is a very unusual color. I comment to Randy that I've never seen the moon that shade of red before. Without even missing a beat or looking at the moon, he says "oh yeah, it turns red when a tornado's coming". Now being a born and raised West Coast girl tornados scare the beejeezus out of me. I look at him to see if he's kidding, he seems quite sincere. Then he says "yeah, they usually touch down in c0rn fields". I start to look around...nothing but creepy corn fields as far as the eye can see. I'm about ready to tell him I'd like to head back to the airport and catch a flight back to the earthquake state when he starts laughing and says he's just kidding. A little late at this point as I'm on serious tornado watch! So the next morning I wake up to this very strange sound. I go into the kitchen and ask Randy what it is. And he says "oh it's the tornado siren". I think he's kidding after last night--oh no he's serious! So I'm ready to grab the jerky and bottled water and head for the basement when he tells me not to worry it's the first Tuesday of the month and so it's just a test of the system. Someone's been having a lot of fun at my expense! Needless to say I'll be happy when I arrive back home courtesty of Northwest Airlines, not Dorothy's house!


Memory said...

Ha! What a turkey...Randy! I'd be scared out of my wits and have to kick him in the shin or something. :-) Yes, give me an earthquake any day over a tornado.

ablykins said...

Hope things are a little less stressful for you out there in Iowa after all that tornado talk!

The moon may have been red due to the solar eclipse that just happened, did you hear about that? It was big stuff out here, and lots of people enjoyed looking at the moon last week.

Sounds like Mr. Randy is taking advantage of your tornado inexperience...I think some light-hearted revenge is in order! lol

rockkinrobbins said...

Stay safe Em and come home to earthquake state soon. We miss you.