Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ups and Downs

So as a Mom you get your moments of confidence. That feeling of, I know what I'm doing, I am handling this Mommy thing pretty well, I can take what this job dishes out. And most importantly I can give my kids the care they need. And then karma bites you in the ass. So here was my high. Poor Addison got a nasty bout of diahrea this week. And as an experienced mom I knew the best medicine was lots of diaper changes, some A&D and lots of air exposing free time. Addie took it upon herself to help with that one. Yes she is holding her feet. Ah to be so flexible. And she spent about 4 hours in this position. As you can see she's laying on one of her many blankies (I knew there was a reason I bought 800 yards of flannel for blankets.) About every hour we'd change her blankie so that she was able to go all night without a diaper and by morning the rash was gone. Hooray. I was even able to find the humor in the whole thing and take a silly picture.

And now for karma. Natalie (why is it always her) went to the dentist this week. Now for some reason I've always had it in my head that good mothers don't let their kids get cavities. I don't know why but I've always thought that. Just like men are suppose to do yard work and take out the trash, it just IS. So we go to the dentist and I am informed that I am a horrible mother because not only does my 4-year old have SEVEN cavities but she will need a root canal and crown! That teeny-tiny black spot is the proof of my failure. I actually started crying at the dentist's office. So in two weeks we are headed back for the first of two visits to repair the damage my neglect has done.


ablykins said...

That pic. of Addy is too funny! She looks so cute and I'm glad to hear that she's feeling better after an eveing of 'airing out'.

I'm surprised to hear that the dentist wants to do such extensive work on Natty! These are still baby teeth right?

shawna said...

emily, welcome to the real world. Repeat my mantra, "It is what it is...It is what it is". Diane had a "silver tooth" crown on a baby tooth. some people have lucky genes (no cavities regardless of brushing or not) and then there's the rest of us. Smile it's not the end of the world, but I do sympathise with you and the feelings of how could this happen on my MOM watch! As for Addison, she's a gymnast in the making. :]

Amy said...

Oh, hearing about those teeth is making mine hurt.

I just read in my Parents magazine that a child can't effectively clean their own teeth until they're, like, 6 or something.

Good luck with all that!

Scott and Stacia said...

Poor Nat! Don't blame yourself--these things happen! Hope everything else is going well!