Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Road to Black Belt

Well this is a big WOO HOO to Aubrey who passed her white belt test this week and will soon be receiving her orange belt. Now you may be wondering where are the pictures and video that should accompany this post. Well you know me, there's always a story. So testing was Wednesday at 7pm. That shouldn't be a problem you say, you had all day to get ready. ha ha ha! So first we take Natalie to preschool at 8am. Then at 10am we head to playgroup at the pool. At 11:30 Natalie gets dropped off by my friend we carpool with. By 1pm playgroup was over but Natalie and Dylan (her betrothed from what I hear) were not done playing. Shannon and I made the mistake of letting them play together a couple times after playgroup and this is no longer optional. :) So off we go to Dylan's house. Well at 3pm I tell Natalie we have to go because we have to take Aubrey to swimming. So we get home to throw some food into our mouths, grab dry towels and head to swimming lessons. We finish swim lessons and get home about 4:40pm. By which point I now have 2 hours to get Aubrey ready for testing. Which means I have 2 hours to feed the all three kids, help Aubrey wash her hair so it's not crispy, wash what I though was already clean and iron Aubrey's uniform, fix Aubrey's hair, replenish the diaper bag and get to the testing. Jared was at work lest you think he was a horrible slacker who never helps. So we do manage to make it to the testing on time looking fabulous. Jared gets my diaper bag and starts going through it. "Where's the camera?" D**n it!!! Thus ensues the debate of do we run home to get it and risk missing her test or do we stay and have no pictures/video. Jared decided to run home and grab the camera and as Murphy's law would predict he returned just as she was being dismissed off the floor. I know! However, she did an exceptional job on her test and her instructors specifically mentioned her focus and attention to detail. Go figure, it's like she's my kid or something. :) Congrats Aubrey, we love you!!


ablykins said...

Great job Miss Aubrey! Uncle John and I are so proud!

Blackburns said...

Yea Aubrey! We will have to come watch some time. -Kim and Steve

shawna said...

Hey Aubrey, good job on your test! Sister Gerardi thinks that is great. Emily, considering there's three to manage now, I think you're doing a great job! There will be other tests and you can add pix in the new belt! Smile and be happy :)...see you Sunday. Shawna

Scott and Stacia said...

Well that is exciting! Congrats Aubs! Sorry Jared missed it!