Wow! Do I have a cute family or what?! The girls had their Primary Program last month so I learned from last year's Christmas dress fiasco and bought early. Figured I'd get at least 3 great uses out of these bad boys. Wore them for the program, pictures and then Christmas. I was very happy to find coordinating dresses for all three of them. Considering they are all in different size brackets that is no easy feat! I also figured I'd take advantage of our photo time and get Addison's 6 month pictures taken (ok, so I'm a month late on that...) She's getting so big! She has four teeth now. The top two just broke through this week. They seem to be coming in pairs, which is fine with me, it's like a two for one deal. Although she's taken to teething pretty well, usually a grumpy day and then in comes the teeth. So I can't complain! She started crawling in earnest in the last week. She's been doing the belly scoot for a while but she's got the all fours forward motion now. She's thinking about pulling up on stuff now. Not so sure I like that.... She is a sweet girl though, and she is ADORED by her two older sisters. They love to carry her (Mommy doesn't love that so much) and make her laugh and feed her. I can't get them excited about changing diapers though. And sorry about the goofy layout on this post, I'm all discombobulated tonight, but I figured a weird layout is better than nothing! :-)